101 Pedestrian bridge between Ray & Chandler

galv_bridge As I drive down the 101 to Chandler somewhat regularly, I became curious as to the small center support pier constructed between Ray & Chandler. I contacted ADOT and they informed me it was indeed for a pedestrian bridge (as I suspected). ADOT built the pier and City of Chandler is building the pedestrian bridge to connect Galveston Road. I spoke with Bill Fay, Public Works Engineer with the City of Chandler, and he informed me that construction is slated for 2015 but there’s a possibility it could be built in 2010. The pier was constructed to Federal Environmental Standards and the city has submitted the bridge project as “Shovel Ready” seeking Federal stimulus funds. Bill also informed me that Arizona Ave is to get bike lanes in a lane narrowing project, and Chandler Blvd is to be widened at the 101 so bike lanes can be installed.

3 thoughts on “101 Pedestrian bridge between Ray & Chandler

  1. I’ve often wondered why there is no access over I-10 between Ahwatukee (Phoenix) and Tempe / Chandler — except for the arterials…. which i have always found in varying degrees to be very annoying to use.
    Guadalupe road (which of course has no I-10 access) isn’t bad but that’s way to far out of the way north for me.
    The rest (from north to south); Elliot, Warner, Ray, Chandler pretty much suck. There is no surface street access at all (it’s all ramps for 202) at Pecos. That’s a span of 6 miles!
    The parallel of the bridge mentioned above would be called Knox Road over here would be a very nice place to cross but we got zip!

  2. At one time there was a plan to put a ped bridge over the I-10 at Alameda (becomes Roeser in Phx). I think the economy killed this one, haven’t heard anything about it in some time now.

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