Tempe’s First Ghost Bike Installed
On Monday, May 10, 2010, a bicyclist named Chris Volpe was struck by a motorist at the intersection of University and Ash, and was killed. In the face of this tragic event, members of the Tempe bicycling community gathered together with members of Chris’s family to prepare and install a ghost bike at the intersection. As described on their website, ghosbikes.org, ghost bikes are intended to be small, somber memorials for bicyclists who are killed or hit on the street.
Photograph courtesy of Patrick Leahy at http://patrickleahy.smugmug.com/
What a heartwarming memoir of Chris, thank you Adam, for sharing.
Hi, we recently had a young friend that was hit on his bicycle and killed and was looking to find out who to contact in getting a ghost bike put in place at the intersection. It was in Scottsdale AZ. If you have any contact information i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much.
Hi, we are trying to find out a contact for getting a ghost bike put in an intersection in Scottsdale AZ. If you have any information that could help we would greatly appreciate it. I already looked on the Ghost bikes website and there is no contact information.
Hi, could you please help me with some contact information in the Scottsdale AZ area for getting a Ghost bike. I already tried their website and there is no contacts. Thanks!
Please contact me at ryan@biketempe.org to discuss this further. The way we’ve done it before is to work with Bike Saviours to get a scrap bike, and with the friends and family of the victim to get it put together and installed.