TBAG September 15, 2011 Newletter

September 15, 2011
Introduction by Ashley “Foot Fault” Lanoue.
The count down to a fun filled October begins! Some much to do and so little time. Major events are coming up like Tour de Fat and Tour de Tempe. Be sure to volunteer and tell all your friends. Some important advocacy issues, such as funding, are making their way to the forefront of bicycle legislation. Be sure to get involved in bicycle advocacy. Also Phoenix depends on its inhabitants to take action and get out and vote for mayor, so be active and knowlegable in bicycle issues when looking at candidates.
Upcoming Events and Rides by Ryan “Full on conditions” Guzy & Jeremy “Gutter Bunny” Deathrage.
Calendar of upcoming events, and special notes about weekly rides in Tempe
October is fast becoming a second bike month in Tempe. There are lots of events all month, and one every day leading up to Tour de Fat on October 15th! There are rides, raffles, and lots of specials on great New Belgium brews. We’ll keep the list of events up to date and add more details as we have them: https://www.biketempe.org/events/bike-events-oct-2011/
We’ve begun planning for the 2011 Tempe Tour de Fat which is on Oct. 15th this year. Sign up to volunteer here!: https://www.biketempe.org/events/tour-de-fat/
Do you like festivals? Love parking bikes? What are you feelings towards Polka?? TBAG is looking for volunteers to help Valet bicycles at Tempe Oktoberfest Oct. 7-9. Just go here to sign up:https://www.biketempe.org/oktoberfest-is-around-the-corner-help-is-needed-for-bike-valet/
TBAG is sponsoring the Tour de Tempe October 23, 2011. This is Tempe’s 16th annual free family fun ride. We’ll be helping with setup and serving as the ride leaders at this event. Can you help? Click here to volunteer: http://bit.ly/2011tdtvolunteer
TBAG Third Friday Ride: TBAG Third Fridays presents The Light Rail Ride This week’s TBAG Third Friday Ride is utilizing the light rail to get us out of Tempe and into downtown Phoenix in air-conditioned style. Read more about it here: https://www.biketempe.org/tbag-third-fridays-presents-the-light-rail-ride/ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=259685934064854
Advocacy Updates by Joe “Mud Diving” Perez.
Updates on local, regional, and federal advocacy topics
At the August and September meetings, TBAG indicated interest in participating in City of Phoenix bicycle rack installation program. Many details to come, but this will help support efforts to make Phoenix more bicycle friendly.
For those of you registered to vote in Phoenix, remember to get out and vote for Mayor and especially council if you live in Districts 1 and 5. see: http://phoenix.gov/election/elect.html for more informatin. Here are some important dates:
October 10, 2011 (Monday) Latest date to register to vote for Runoff Election. City Code, Sec. 12-106
October 28, 2011 (Friday) Latest date to request an early ballot by mail for the Runoff Election. City Code, Sec. 12-903 Latest date to submit challenger names to City Clerk. City Code, Sec. 12-210
November 4, 2011 (Friday) Latest date to vote early at an early voting location. City Code, Sec. 12-907
Runoff ElectionVoting begins at voting center locations on Saturday, November 5, 2011 and continues on Monday, November 7 and Tuesday, November 8. Election results will be available on November 8 beginning at 8 PM on Phoenix.gov and on Qwest and Cox cable channel 11.
Check out Preserve bike funding, contact your senator.
Check out the I bike I vote campaign.
Bike Culture by Eric “Retro Grouch” Iwerson.
Sharing the love of bicycles
The TBAG bike culture team is stoked to announce that during the week of October 3 THE winning design for the public art effort in Mitchell Park will be selected. The top design concept will be presented at this years Tour de Fat. Should be an good bike autumn!
Adult Education by Ashley “Foot Fault” Lanoue.
Information on upcoming classes and online resources.
League of American Bicylcists League Cyclist Insturctor training was intense, rewarding, and fun. TBAG looks forward to working with other local groups to educate the masses on traffic skills. Thank you again to CAZbike for sponoring the classes.
Youth Education by Robert “Spuds” Chacon.
Information on upcoming classes and online resources
T.B.A.G. and WE-CYCLE-USA put on a bike rodeo and bike clinic last month for the kids at Central Park. Check out: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.243549965675781.66439.111170282247084&type=1 for pics of the event. We had such a great time and saw a need in the community that we will be hosting a Bike Clinic every 3rd Friday at the Central Park Neighborhood Center at 140 E Tonto St. We will be helping neighborhood Kids fix their bikes and could always use some help so if you like working with kids contact Robert Chacon at [email protected] or call 602-516-0002.
Tour De Fat (not just for adult anymore) This year we are hosting a Kids Fun Zone with games, helmet decorating, treats and bike safety information for the kids so tell all your friends to bring the kids and they will have a great time. For more info contact Robert Chacon at [email protected] or call 602-516-0002.
Get Involved by TBAG.
Volunteer for upcoming events and join our planning committees
Tidbits by Ashley “Foot Fault” Lanoue.
All you have to do is bicycle!
Tandems are pretty rad!
Know that is one hell of a load to haul!
See where we got our clever nicknames, bicycle jargon!
Have suggestions or contributions for future newsletters, or commentary on stories? E-mail them to [email protected]
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