TBAG Annual Meeting – 11/20 @ Boulders on Broadway

Want to get involved? We need your help! Come to our annual meeting on Nov 20th to see what TBAG does and where you can help.

During the meeting we’ll be discussing 6 different areas: Advocacy, Education, Social Rides, Youth Programs, Events, and Projects. We’ll introduce each area and then break up into groups for discussion and planning. By the end of the meeting we’d like to have a plan of what TBAG will be working on in the coming year, who will be working on it, and an idea of how we’ll accomplish these goals.

Here’s what we need you to do between now and then: Look at the different areas and think about what you’d like to see in each. Think about local problems and how you’d solve them. Think about projects and initiatives that you could help out with. Bring these ideas to the meeting. Also get the word out, if you know people that would be interested but haven’t been involved with TBAG before, let them know so they can contribute.

This is your opportunity to make a difference for cycling in Tempe.

Date and Time: Sunday Nov 20th @ 7pm
Location: Boulders on Broadway(upstairs)
Who: Open to everyone, bring your ideas and get involved!

Facebook users can RSVP at: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=182886535128526