December 15, 2011
by Ashley “My butt is falling asleep” Lanoue.
Now that we have all officially recovered from Tour de Fat, yes it does take two months to do so, lets start planning for all the awesome events and volunteer opportunities for next year!
Hi fives for those of you that attended the annual meeting. For those of you that missed it you can still get your hi fives! Just join one or some of our outstanding committees! Don’t miss this years Eggnog ride, it’s going to be a blast! What can go wrong with rum,delicious eggnog, holiday lights and great company!
Upcoming Events and Rides
Calendar of upcoming events, and special notes about weekly rides in Tempe
by Ryan “I feel great” Guzy & Jeremy “My chain ring fell off” Deatherage.
Join us THIS FRIDAY Dec. 16th for this years Eggnog Ride, a neighborhood diversion to check out Christmas and Chanukkah light displays. You don’t have to love the gooey sweet stuff, fruitcake, or even candy canes to join us on this ride — just bring yourself and a bike. We’ll end at a warm tavern. Bring a sweater and, if you like, some cookies or a thermos of cocoa and meet us at Tempe Beach Park at 7:30. Don’t forget – locks and (x-mas) lights! RSVP:
– Save the Date(s)
Saturday January 28th – TBAG Winter Games and BBQ at Clark Park (Across from Boulders on Broadway)
Advocacy Updates
Updates on local, regional, and federal advocacy topics
by Aaron “I think I threw a hammy” Golub.
Hello Advocates! Join us for our December Advocacy meeting! Dec. 15th at 6:30pm at Boulders on Broadway. We specifically need to discuss our advertizing campaign project with the ASU Design class. Feel free to stick around for the Tempe bike count meeting at 7pm.
Bike Culture
Sharing the love of bicycles
by Ryan “I feel great” Guzy & Eric “My right quad is cramping” Iwersen.
-Tour de Fat Fundraising
Thanks to New Belgium Brewing and all of our great volunteers, the 2011 Tempe Tour de Fat raised $65,000 for non-profits in Tempe and the surrounding area! Nationwide New Belgium raised over $400,000 for cycling advocacy groups. We’d like to say a big thanks to them for their continuing support, and thanks to all of our local volunteers, we couldn’t do what we do without you!
– The public art committee has selected a final artist and design for the Mitchell Park East Neighborhood and the TBAG bicycle sculpture. The final design will be available online soon, and a meeting with the full TBAG committee and the artist will be scheduled. The public art committee is very excited to construct a significant bike-related public art piece for the entire community to enjoy and further emphasis the importance of the bike in Tempe’s culture.
Adult Education
Information on upcoming classes and online resources
by Ashley “My butt is falling asleep” Lanoue.
– TBAG was able to assist a Traffic Skils 101 course at Global Bikes, Gilbert location, on December 3, 2011. We are that much closer to teaching TS101 courses on our own! If you ever need to get from Tempe to Gilbert the Western Canal Path is the way to go!
– Now that it is getting “cold” outside, here are some tips, from Bicycle Magazine, to stay warm on your commute.