Hardy Drive Streetscape Meeting – Wed Aug 15th 6pm 1025 S Beck Ave Tempe

The City of Tempe is holding their second public meeting about the streetscape redesign on Hardy Drive between University Drive and Broadway Road. While the last meeting was very positive towards bikes and pedestrians, we need to show up to continue that positive energy. Details are below.
From the City of Tempe Announcement:
Sue Taaffe
Public Information Officer
[email protected]
The City of Tempe is holding a public meeting to talk with residents, neighbors and businesses about a project to improve pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities and enhance the streetscape on Hardy Drive between University Drive and Broadway Road. This project is funded with $1.2 million in federal grant money.
The meeting will be held Wednesday, Aug. 15 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at Gililland Middle School, 1025 S. Beck Ave., Tempe.
Discussion at the meeting will include:
• Gathering input from residents, businesses and organizations along the Hardy Drive corridor on potential design elements
• Review and solicit comments on the preliminary design concepts
• Updating the public about the project process and timeline
The project will likely include bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities enhancements, ADA improvements and landscaping. The project will make the street more user-friendly, multi-modal and sustainable.
Comment online about the project at http://www.tempe.gov/index.aspx?page=2350