Show Support for Bike Projects
The City of Tempe and the Maricopa Association of Governments aren’t just big scary governmental organizations. They’re made of real people, and a lot of them are really cool people, and a lot of them ride bikes. They want the same things we do, and we can help them by showing up to meetings and politely, briefly voicing support. Really, all you have to say is, “This is great! Please do this.”
Tempe has a lot of projects going on to add and improve bike infrastructure. MAG is getting ready to do a bike count of their own, city wide, and they’re also asking for feedback on their designs for how to make cities bike/ped friendly.
These are the meetings TBAG plans to have an attendance at. If you go, you won’t be alone. Besides TBAG, Phoenix Spokes People (formerly DBAG/PBAG) will be there.
April 11 – MAG (Maricopa Association of Governments) – Designing Transit Accessible Communities Study Feedback
“The Maricopa Association of Governments is requesting your input on the Designing Transit Accessible Communities Study. The intent of the study is to encourage planning practices that improve bicycling and pedestrian access from neighborhoods to transit service”
Meetings like this where you can go and give positive feedback (and say thank you for doing this, this is exactly what we want) are great.
April 12 – ADOT general plan meeting in Tucson
Encourage ADOT to use funds for bicycle and pedestrian projects, not just more traffic lanes. The City of Tempe and MAG are forward thinking and support bicycle projects, but ADOT controls how most transportation money is spent, and they aren’t hearing from cyclists, only motorists. We need cyclists to stand up and say simple, obvious (to us) things such as “I ride my bike to work. Bike lanes are transportation for me.”
Jun 18 – MAG Bike & Ped Committee — MAG Bike Count Meeting
Their bike/ped count consultants are presenting count tech recommendations and locations. Unlike our Bike Count, they’re spreading their resources across the metro area. This is mostly of interest to the people who organize the bike count and do stats for it.
302 N 1st St Suite 300, Phoenix, 2nd floor, 1:30pm