Volunteer Sign-Up is Open!

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Volunteer sign up is now open for the 2015 Tour de Fat!
The annual New Belgium Tour de Fat is on Saturday, October 3rd this year. As you know, the event is run by volunteers and all proceeds go directly to the Tempe Bicycle Action Group, Bike Saviours Bicycle Collective, the Mountain Bike Association of Arizona, and the Central Arizona Mountain Bike Patrol.
Volunteers are an indispensable part of the success of Tour de Fat; they make sure everyone has a great time sharing their love of bicycles, beer and brotherhood. Thanks for being eager to stay informed, and we hope to see you there!
The event in Tempe is one of the largest on New Belgium’s tour. We drew over 10,000 people last year, and we need about 400 volunteers to ensure that the event goes smoothly. As a volunteer you’ll get 2 free beer tokens, a New Belgium volunteer-only water bottle and a coupon for $5 off a t-shirt at the souvenir booth. Plus, it will be fun – so sign up now!
Questions? Email [email protected].
-Tempe Tour de Fat Volunteer Coordination Team