City of Phoenix Bicycle Friendly Community survey

This year the City of Phoenix is renewing their Bike Friendly Community application with the League of American Bicyclists. As part of the review process the League is collecting input from local bicyclists and bike advocates about their experiences and perceptions of biking conditions in Phoenix through the survey linked below.
These survey responses are used both to inform the League’s BFC award decision, as well as to provide (anonymous) local feedback to the applicant community about how they can improve conditions for bicyclists. If you ride in Phoenix for any purpose you can help by filling out the survey before March 22nd. You may also receive a survey link from other sources. If you’ve already completed the survey, thank you! You don’t need to fill it out again.
Survey available at
Thank you for your help and valuable input! Any questions or concerns can be directed to Amelia Neptune, Director, Bicycle Friendly America Program at [email protected]