Phoenix Virtual Public Meeting Thursday March 4th
16th Street, Jefferson Street to Roosevelt Street – Proposed Lane Changes

The City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department is seeking your input on proposed changes to the travel lane striping on 16th Street from Jefferson Street to Roosevelt Street. This location is scheduled to receive pavement treatment in spring/summer 2021, creating an opportunity to change the current striping pattern throughout the corridor and to rebalance vehicle travel lanes and add bicycle lanes where there is enough space.
Live Virtual Meeting: Thursday, March 4, 2021, 6 p.m.
Learn More & Provide Input:
While respecting social distancing recommendations and the personal safety of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeking your input virtually!
Please join us for a presentation followed by question and answer session beginning at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 4, 2021. Options to participate virtually include:
1. Call-in to listen to the live meeting
Dial 602-666-0783, enter meeting number 187 460 5406, then press #. Press # again if prompted for an attendee ID.
This option allows participants to ONLY listen to listen to the meeting.
2. View and listen to the live meeting
Visit the project webpage at to register to join the meeting by phone or computer with an internet connection.
This option allows participants to ONLY view and listen to the meeting.
3. Interested in speaking during the meeting?
You must request to speak and/or submit a comment or question during the live meeting by noon on March 4, 2021. Email us at [email protected] with your first and last name, and we will email you the pre-registration instructions. Or, call the project hotline at 623-825-3444 to supply us with your contact information.
If you require reasonable accommodations for this process, please contact our Project Hotline at 623-825-3444. This notice can be made available in an alternate format upon request by calling 602-262-6284 (TTY: Use 711).
Questions? Contact Albert Granillo, Community Relations Coordinator: [email protected] or 623-825-3444