Short notice Zoom meeting 8/16/22 3-4PM
We were made aware that Deborah Salon ([email protected]) is starting a new project on pedestrian safety in Tempe and invites the commission to attend the kick off meeting next Tuesday, August 16 from 3-4 via Zoom.
We are hosting a kick-off meeting for our “Transforming Tempe into a Bicycling Oasis Through Data-Driven Planning” research project on Tuesday August 16 from 3:00pm-4:00pm (Arizona time), on Zoom:…
Password: 619093
The research project combines emerging digital technologies and community engagement to help us more fully understand the bicycling experience in Tempe.
Preliminary agenda:
-Introduction/review of research project proposal
-Getting oriented to any relevant/related initiatives at each participant’s organization
-Identifying any existing data/information that may inform our activities/analysis
-Finding alignment between our objectives and the objectives of each participant’s organization
-Brainstorming critical research questions and how potential answers could be used by each participant’s organization
-Coming up with preliminary “key-routes” for bicycle counting and mobile lidar mapping.
We hope you can join us!