Bike-In Community Meeting

On June 26th join us down at Boulders on Broadway to keep in the loop of whats going on in our state and city. This month’s topic will be the Vision Zero project… not sure what that is? More reason to come! Come shake hands with board members and our guest speakers which we will announce closer to the event.
Proposed agenda;
-6-630: Arrival and setup
-630-7: Vision Zero Presentation – Julian Dresang – City of Tempe Traffic Engineer
-7-715: What is next for Vision Zero in Tempe
-715-730: Q&A about Vision Zero and how to get involved
-730-745: Current and upcoming Tempe bike/ped project updates
-745-8: TBAG Updates Upcoming Bike/Ped Public Meetings TBAG Volunteer Opportunities TBAG Upcoming Events and Rides
-8-830: Community Open Bike Forum Q/A
-830: Trivia/Raffle/Giveaway
-830-9: Optional Closing Movie: Bicycle Revolution