Jennifer Adams: 2022 Tempe Council Candidate Questions
1. How do you normally commute around Tempe? What kind of vehicles do you utilize? Are you satisfied with your commuting experience?
While I do drive around Tempe, we also love to utilize Tempe’s many safe bike paths as much as possible, and often bike into downtown Tempe. While I get frustrated with traffic like everyone, I also see that we have it pretty good here, but it will only stay that way if we are proactive. That’s why I continue to support plans to expand bike paths and public transport throughout Tempe.
2. Do you think it is possible to function in our current city without the use of an automobile? What is your vision for transportation and mobility around Tempe and the region?
It’s a great goal to make it possible to function in Tempe without a vehicle, but it’s currently pretty difficult to do that in specific areas of the city. South Tempe has fewer options for public transportation, so I support the expansion of Orbit into that area, in addition to making improvements to biking options that keep bikers safe and off the main arterial roads.. I envision a city where it is possible for residents to be outside, commuting safely through methods that work best for them, which will hopefully mean a reduction in traffic congestion.
3. How familiar are you with Tempe’s Vision Zero goal? Do you support the City of Tempe’s 2019 Action Plan to achieve these goals? If so, what is your plan to update and expand Vision Zero to improve transportation safety for all members of the community?
As a current city councilmember, I’m very familiar with the Vision Zero goal – I continue to meet with constituents and I’m constantly working to promote Vision Zero throughout the city. One pedestrian death is too many, and so any measure we can take to bring that number to zero has my full support.
4. How do you plan to adequately fund roadway improvements, especially the backlog of existing and requested transportation safety projects? What role should community organizations play in cycling safety and planning?
I’ve actively engaged groups and community organizations in roadway project planning during my first term on the council, so not only do I think they should have a role, I’ve made sure they were involved in that planning process. I was able to secure funding for pavement improvements and fire hydrants during my first term. I love to see how Tempe can be fiscally responsible with their spending, and in doing so, find the funding necessary to work on areas that need it the most.
5. Common concerns of bicyclists in Tempe include police knowledge of State and Local bicycle laws, bicycle theft, and drivers parking in bicycle lanes. What would you do to address these concerns when elected? What training and education would you implement for the police department to ensure they understand cycling laws?
My role as a Tempe City Councilmember is to bring people together when they have concerns – on this topic I’m open to convening a meeting between this group and the Tempe Police so they can hear their concerns first hand and then we can work together on a solution. I will make it an immediate priority to increase violation enforcement against cars illegally parking in bike lanes.
6. Do you have any other thoughts to share about cycling, safety, and multi-modal transportation you think our membership would benefit from hearing?
One of the big things I pushed for in my first term was to secure funding for pavement improvements throughout the city. I hope this reduction in potholes and uneven pavement will improve bicycle safety. I look forward to supporting more measures that are important to the cyclists of Tempe in my second term!