Advocacy resources

Use these resources to get around by bike and make it easier for others!

City & Biking Resources

Tempe Transportation Dept

Info from Tempe’s Transportation Dept. for all things getting around.

WebsiteBike & Ped InfoBIKEiTSafety
NewsletterRegister a bikeHistoryTraffic Counts

Tempe Street Closures and Restrictions

View the current list of restrictions due to events, construction, etc.


MAG Bikeways Map

The Maricopa Association of Governments Bikeways map shows existing, locally-designated bicycle facilities. This map has been produced under the direction of the MAG Active Transportation Committee.


MAG Active Transportation Interactive Comment Map

Share your knowledge and preferences for biking and walking in the MAG Region. Your input will help local and regional planners better understand your experiences by allowing you to pinpoint locations and corridors and provide feedback.


Report Issues

Tempe 311

Report issues and get info from the city clerk. Submit requests for problems like reporting broken bike signals at intersections, damaged transit signs, issues on multi-use pathways and more. Use their mobile app to submit requests with GPS coordinates and photos and track them through completion.

480-350-4311WebsiteApple App StoreGoogle Play Store

Bike Lane Uprising

Submit bike lane obstructions.

WebsiteApple App StoreGoogle Play Store

Homeless or Houseless persons on bike paths

Tempe’s HOPE outreach team can usually send someone to speak with them right away, or within a couple hours at least.

HOPE Team480-350-8950WebsiteEmail

A traffic signal is too short/long or doesn’t “see” your bike

For traffic signals that are damaged, flashing or malfunctioning:

    Call non-emergency police at 480-350-8311

John Hoang480-350-8033Email


Tempe Transportation Commission

The Transportation Commission advises and makes recommendations to the City Council and assists City departments and the City Manager to plan and implement transportation projects. Typically meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 a.m. at the Tempe Transportation Center.


Tempe Forum

Submit comments and complete surveys regarding city decisions around transportation and other projects/proposals.


Tempe Mayor & City Council

Learn about the mayor & city council, review agendas, attend meetings and speak up for better streets.


Tempe City Manager’s Office


MAG Transportation Program

MAG is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Maricopa region and plans and finances the regional transportation system. They do bicycle counts, coordinate on cross-city bikeways, and do long-range planning.

WebsiteActive TransportationRegional Plan