Tour de Fat Recap
Well, we've finally recovered, had some time to tally the numbers and reflect upon this year's Tempe Tour de Fat....
Well, we've finally recovered, had some time to tally the numbers and reflect upon this year's Tempe Tour de Fat....
The City of Tempe is in the design phase of a project to improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities, enhance streetscape...
BOB Trailer + PVC Pipe + 6' tall Tour de Fat Posters (x2) = Excellent (and very sketchy in a...
Did you know that 40% of all urban travel in the US is less than 2 miles? 2 miles is...
Tour de Fat will be here in almost two weeks. Here's a taste of what Tempe is in for: Video...
Want to help out at this year's Tempe Tour de Fat on October 13th @ Tempe Town Lake? In addition...
The crew that brought you the AzCRAP Ride (a.k.a. "Arizona Car Resistance Action Party") are at it again - this...
Yup, that's right - according to U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters, "bike paths and trails 'are really not transportation.'"...
As part of the City of Scottsdale Transportation Master Plan public involvement process, the city will be hosting an open...